USA Sales Tax Information

Please note: This notice covers our sales tax requirements on Fan payments from within the USA. If you are a Fan located in the EU, see this help topic for the application of VAT to your payments

Beginning January 4, 2021, ContentFans will add sales tax to some Fan Payments made in the USA.

Recently, many states have passed laws that require “online marketplaces” to apply sales tax to transactions. Originally aimed at larger streaming services, the way these laws were written and how they are being interpreted means that they impact many different types of companies, including ContentFans.

Whether or not sales tax is applied to your Fan Payment depends on where you are located and the type of Payment being made. Not all states require sales tax to be charged on transactions, and not all Payment types will be taxable.

If a Sales tax is charged in your location, you will see an additional line item on your receipt for sales tax. Each state which requires Sales Tax to be charged will apply its own rate. The Sales Tax collected by ContentFans will be paid directly to your local government.